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Re: st: clinical trials

From   "Alan Neustadtl" <>
Subject   Re: st: clinical trials
Date   Fri, 4 Jan 2008 16:32:41 -0500

I have had the same problem with lab computers.  I have been unable to
convince our IT people to create a common disk location that they can
assign to Stata user-written programs that has read and write

In the short run I have had the students write all such software to a
flash drive and this has worked pretty well.  I have a slightly buggy
handout at Useful
User-Written Programs-1.pdf that describes the details that you may
find useful.


On Jan 4, 2008 4:08 PM, Richard Williams <> wrote:
> At 03:19 PM 1/4/2008, Verkuilen, Jay wrote:
> >Stata's facility at extension by users is a great asset and your
> >program is very nice. However, it's tough for my students---who are
> >using a network install and who therefore lack permissions to
> >install components from ssc or elsewhere easily---to get at it so I
> >don't tend to push the add-ons too much.
> We have the same problem here.  You can try to install stuff, and
> either you can't do it or it disappears within 24 hours.  Here is the
> workaround I suggest for my students.  It may or may not be adaptable
> for your purposes:
> The bigger problem at Notre Dame is that you are at the mercy of the
> system administrators to install the Stata patches.  They don't even
> necessarily know that there is such a thing as the -update- command;
> and if they do know they aren't going to run it more than once a
> semester.  I suppose that is understandable when you have hundreds of
> machines to maintain, but it isn't optimal from my standpoint.  I
> encourage my students to buy their own personal copies of Stata.
> -------------------------------------------
> Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
> OFFICE: (574)631-6668, (574)631-6463
> HOME:   (574)289-5227
> EMAIL:  Richard.A.Williams.5@ND.Edu
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