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Re: st: ICE in STATA 10.0
At 01:24 PM 1/3/2008, Naomi Spence wrote:
Has anyone run into trouble using ICE in Stata 10? When attempting
to use the passive and substitute options, I get an error message
that states "Unknown function index()". I have followed examples
and done a lot of troubleshooting, but this error message is
persistent and I don't know the reason for it. Below is an example
of my syntax:
ice depvar age inc emp home south mstat nvrmar widow divsep using
imp, dryrun ///
cmd(mstat:mlogit) passive(nvrmar:mstat==1 \widow:mstat==2
\divsep:mstat==3) ///
substitute(mstat:nvrmar widow divsep)
WHERE mstat is a categorical variable for marital status and nvrmar,
widow, and divsep are dummy variables based on mstat with married as
the omitted category.
Any advice/guidance is appreciated.
The index function got some new and improved name in Stata 9, and in
Stata 10 it stopped working, except under version control. I've seen
a few programs that had failed to insert version commands get zapped
because of this.
I'd be a little surprised if an error like this has gone undetected
and unfixed for so long. So, make sure you have the latest versions
of ice and of Stata. If you do, then you might try something like
version 9: ice ...
to see if that solves the problem.
Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
OFFICE: (574)631-6668, (574)631-6463
HOME: (574)289-5227
EMAIL: [email protected]
WWW: http://www.nd.edu/~rwilliam
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