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st: RE: RE: clinical trials
>>Dave - Here at NASA -Johnson Space Center, I use Stata to help design
and/or analyze results of what amounts to "clinical trials" of proposed
countermeasures to the deleterious effects of (long) spaceflight or
spaceflight analogs such as bedrest. However the sample sizes are
extremely small and the dependent variables are often peculiar, hence
standard ANOVA, etc does not always apply. That's why Stata is so nice -
it usually be programmed for non-standard situations, if it doesn't
already have built-in commands for them.<<
I have two "dittos" on my vita. Was involved in two RCTs of the
effectiveness of taiji/qigong training in an elderly population on
several outcome variables (several physical and one immunological) with
markedly non-normal distributions. I don't think I did anything in Stata
I couldn't have done with SAS proc genmod, but resampling is a heck of a
lot easier in Stata than in SAS....
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