I discovered that -contract- drops observations when a weight with
large numbers is used. What is the explanation for this and is
-contract- designed to work this way?
Below are two examples for -contract- with weights. In the first
example, the weight is not too large and the -contract-ed dataset
contains the same frequencies as those reported by -tabulate-.
. sysuse auto, clear
. replace weight = weight * 10000
. tab rep78 [fw=weight], m
Repair |
Record 1978 | Freq. Percent Cum.
1 | 62,000,000 2.77 2.77
2 |268,300,000 12.01 14.78
3 |989,700,000 44.29 59.08
4 |516,600,000 23.12 82.20
5 |255,500,000 11.43 93.63
. |142,300,000 6.37 100.00
Total | 2234400000 100.00
. contract rep78 [fw=weight]
. clist
rep78 _freq
1. 1 62000000
2. 2 268300000
3. 3 989700000
4. 4 516600000
5. 5 255500000
6. . 142300000
In the second example, the weight variable is not multiplied by 10,000
but 100,000. When -contract- is used with the larger weight, some
values are dropped from the dataset.
. sysuse auto, clear
. replace weight = weight * 100000
. tab rep78 [fw=weight], m
Repair |
Record 1978 | Freq. Percent Cum.
1 |620,000,000 2.77 2.77
2 | 2683000000 12.01 14.78
3 | 9897000000 44.29 59.08
4 | 5166000000 23.12 82.20
5 | 2555000000 11.43 93.63
. | 1423000000 6.37 100.00
Total |22344000000 100.00
. contract rep78 [fw=weight]
. clist
rep78 _freq
1. 1 620000000
2. 2 .
3. 3 .
4. 4 .
5. 5 .
6. . 1423000000
Perhaps it is a coincidence, but the frequencies that appear in the
-tabulate- output and are missing from the -contract- output exceed
the largest possible number that can be held in a variable of datatype
long: 2,147,483,620. Can -contract- be modified to allow larger
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* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
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* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/