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Help Pls! st: fracpol basic question

From   mai mai <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Help Pls! st: fracpol basic question
Date   Tue, 18 Dec 2007 12:17:45 -0500

I have couple of questions on Fracpol, I tried finding answers through
help and the internet but was unsuccessful. The results of my model are
posted below.

1) How acceptable is the use of fractional polynomial in the
literature. Is it considered data mining?

2) What is the structure of the best relation?
Is it: y=b0 + b1 X^-.5 + X^-.5*ln(X)    ?

3) Why is  X = (dist+2.860107421875)/1000)? why the addition of 2.8
and division by 1000?

4) What is the exact meaning of deviance? Is lower (more negative)
better or worst?

. fracpoly reg  b dist, adjust (no) compare
-> gen double Idist__1 = X^-.5 if e(sample)
-> gen double Idist__2 = X^-.5*ln(X) if e(sample)
  (where: X = (dist+2.860107421875)/1000)

     Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =      57
-------------+------------------------------           F(  2,    54) =    3.45
      Model |  .014450698     2  .007225349           Prob > F      =  0.0390
   Residual |  .113204826    54  .002096386           R-squared     =  0.1132
-------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.0804
      Total |  .127655524    56  .002279563           Root MSE      =  .04579

 y          |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
   Idist__1 |     .04901   .0190668     2.57   0.013     .0107834    .0872366
   Idist__2 |    .007933   .0031175     2.54   0.014     .0016829    .0141832
      _cons |  -.0443816   .0171458    -2.59   0.012    -.0787569   -.0100063
Deviance:  -192.87. Best powers of distance among 44 models fit: -.5 -.5.

Fractional polynomial model comparisons:
dist                 df       Deviance      Res. SD   Dev. dif.  P [*]  Powers
Not in model      0       -186.025      .047745     6.848    0.174
Linear            1       -188.380      .047192     4.492    0.247  1
m = 1             2       -189.268      .046825     3.604    0.193  .5
m = 2             4       -192.873      .045786        --       --  -.5 -.5
[*] P-value from deviance difference comparing reported model with m = 2 model

Many thanks for your help
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