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st: Statsby equivalent with -ml-

From   "Nuno" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Statsby equivalent with -ml-
Date   Tue, 11 Dec 2007 08:56:44 -0000

Hi everyone,

I have a maximum likelihood model that I want to apply to a set of
difference indviduals and record the estimated coefficients. Normally I use
the  -statsby- command to record the coefficients on a dta file, but it
seems not to work with ml (or at lesat I was unable to do so). The setup is
the following:

program testml

ml model lf testml (mu1: Y=X1) (mu2: Y=X2) /sigma1 /sigma2 ml maximize

My data is organized in the following way:
id	Y	X1	X2

and I need to run the testml program for each id and record the coefficients
in a .dta file.

Any ideas of how to solve this issue?



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