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Re: st: How to calculate mortality ratios
Gaby, why don't you lay out exactly what your files are, and what
analysis variables are in them. Do you want to do 'proportional'
mortality ratios, single mortality rates? Do you want to test
differences among regions (AI02)?
On Dec 2, 2007, at 10:13 AM, Ana Gabriela Guerrero Serdan wrote:
thanks. Yes sorry my ratio should have been x/y.
I missed to calculate the total population first as
this is in a separate file. I was doing calculations
only among those that died from different causes.
So from file 2 I need to calculate my total
population. I have individual information for each
household in the survey. Not sure if I should first
generate a count variable?
svyset AI06 [pw= expweigh], strata( AI05)
gen count=_n
svy: total count, over(AI02)
then use this to calculate the mortality ratio in file
1 as you indicated.
thanks again,
--- Steven Joel Hirsch Samuels
<[email protected]> wrote:
1. Ratio requires a numerator and denominator:
svy: ratio myratio = x/y
svy: ratio dead should return an error message
in Stata 10.
What are your individual observations? people with
dead indicating
status yes/no, or some other unit? If you have an
'area' as your
observation, with 'dead' counting deaths and 'pop'
giving the
population total for the area, then
svy: ratio (mr= dead/pop)
would work.
2. svy: prop death will give proportions dead and
not dead. This
will be correct if your analytic unit is person.
3. I suggest that you form new strata by pooling
singletons into
neighboring regions.
On Dec 2, 2007, at 8:25 AM, Ana Gabriela Guerrero
Serdan wrote:
Dear Stata Users,
I have two related questions:
1) Im trying to calcuate mortality ratios for
different sub-populations using survey data.
Is it very naive from my side to use the following
svyset AI06 [pw= expweigh], strata( AI05)
svy: ratio death, over (Province)
I also get similar results with prop.
2) I dont get any SE because I have strata with
sampling unit. I see that Stata suggests (as also
books) to delete or collapse the strata with one
sampling unit. Do you know what are the
for this? Would I need to collapse the strata
according to region?
Gaby Guerrero Serdan
Deparment of Economics
Royal Holloway, University of London
Egham, Surrey
England, UK
Tel: +44 7912657259
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Steven Samuels
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Gaby Guerrero Serdan
Deparment of Economics
Royal Holloway, University of London
Egham, Surrey
England, UK
Tel: +44 7912657259
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Steven Samuels
[email protected]
18 Cantine's Island
Saugerties, NY 12477
Phone: 845-246-0774
EFax: 208-498-7441
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