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Re: st: How to calculate mortality ratios
1. Ratio requires a numerator and denominator:
svy: ratio myratio = x/y
svy: ratio dead should return an error message in Stata 10.
What are your individual observations? people with dead indicating
status yes/no, or some other unit? If you have an 'area' as your
observation, with 'dead' counting deaths and 'pop' giving the
population total for the area, then
svy: ratio (mr= dead/pop)
would work.
2. svy: prop death will give proportions dead and not dead. This
will be correct if your analytic unit is person.
3. I suggest that you form new strata by pooling singletons into
neighboring regions.
On Dec 2, 2007, at 8:25 AM, Ana Gabriela Guerrero Serdan wrote:
Dear Stata Users,
I have two related questions:
1) Im trying to calcuate mortality ratios for
different sub-populations using survey data.
Is it very naive from my side to use the following
svyset AI06 [pw= expweigh], strata( AI05)
svy: ratio death, over (Province)
I also get similar results with prop.
2) I dont get any SE because I have strata with one
sampling unit. I see that Stata suggests (as also some
books) to delete or collapse the strata with one
sampling unit. Do you know what are the implications
for this? Would I need to collapse the strata
according to region?
Gaby Guerrero Serdan
Deparment of Economics
Royal Holloway, University of London
Egham, Surrey
England, UK
Tel: +44 7912657259
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