Thank you for the response.
Yes, Nick, I meant user-written do-files, sorry about that.
I agree with your wish-list, but I, and I guess many more, would also
like to add the ability to easily transport the table to Excel or
other spreadsheet-programs, using commands instead of copy&paste and
getting it nicely formatted. Other statistical packages are a bit
ahead in this aspect.
Regarding Maartens comment, well I disagree, I often have weights
calibrated to known population totals (eg. from a census). It
therefore makes sense to have the exact population total in tables
instead of a scientific notation with rounded figures. Of course these
figures are usually a bit uncertain, but they are often treated as
certain (eg. the population in the Netherlands at a certain date) and
consistency in this aspect can help to avoid confusion.
On 10/31/07, Maarten buis <[email protected]> wrote:
> --- Richard Ohrvall <[email protected]> wrote:
> > However, it seems really strange that you can't get the results
> > without scientific notation. As shown in the example provided by
> > Marten, the figures becomes rounded and that is even more annoying.
> > Surely there most be a way to get the results without scientific
> > notation in the result window without using any ado-files, or?
> I can see the aesthetic reason for wanting to avoid scientific
> notation, however there is good reason to be cautious here. The tables
> are representations of your data, and data is hardly ever collected
> with a presicion of more than a few digits. Even if your datafile
> reports a variable with more than 8 digits (apperently the limit in
> -tab-) you would have to put a lot of effort in convicing me the actual
> measurements are accurate upto 3 digits, and I would be really
> impressed if you could convince me that your measurements were accurate
> upto 4 digits. From that point of view a 8 digit limit seems rather
> safe.
> -- Maarten
> -----------------------------------------
> Maarten L. Buis
> Department of Social Research Methodology
> Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
> Boelelaan 1081
> 1081 HV Amsterdam
> The Netherlands
> visiting address:
> Buitenveldertselaan 3 (Metropolitan), room Z434
> +31 20 5986715
> -----------------------------------------
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