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st: overid
I am using overid test but I am rather confused about it is implications.
(I copy-pasted the regression and test results at the bottom of this message)
According to the test result I am not rejecting my null which means ?
I am not perfectly sure what the null is in this case.
Can you please tell me if there is any underidentification test I
can use with ivreg2.
Thank you,
ivreg2 employ2 iqscore emot_beh_probx female black age age2 unemploy
large_board supervised ( jc_lag =ftera
> tio2_lag jc_frequency_lag unemploy_lag large_board_lag supervised_lag)
Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression
Number of obs = 9872
F( 10, 9861) = 26.64
Prob > F = 0.0000
Total (centered) SS = 928.85859 Centered R2 = 0.0832
Total (uncentered) SS = 1038 Uncentered R2 = 0.1796
Residual SS = 851.6069053 Root MSE = .29
employ2 | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
jc_lag | .16047 .0785837 2.04 0.041 .0064486 .3144913
iqscore | .152207 .0266236 5.72 0.000 .1000256 .2043884
emot_beh_p~x | -.0373545 .0076995 -4.85 0.000 -.0524452 -.0222639
female | -.0284746 .0059677 - 4.77 0.000 -.040171 -.0167781
black | .0270993 .0063185 4.29 0.000 .0147153 .0394833
age | .085015 .020824 4.08 0.000 .0442008 .1258292
age2 | -.0115688 .0026788 - 4.32 0.000 -.0168192 -.0063184
unemploy | -.0109867 .0015856 -6.93 0.000 -.0140944 -.007879
large_board | -.032589 .0063096 -5.16 0.000 -.0449556 -.0202223
supervised | .0434213 .0097578 4.45 0.000 .0242964 .0625463
_cons | -.0438364 .0414937 -1.06 0.291 -.1251626 .0374897
Sargan statistic (overidentification test of all instruments): 5.141
Chi-sq(4) P-val = 0.27310
Instrumented: jc_lag
Instruments: fteratio2_lag jc_frequency_lag unemploy_lag large_board_lag
supervised_lag iqscore emot_beh_probx female black age age2
unemploy large_board supervised
. overid
Tests of overidentifying restrictions:
Sargan N*R-sq test 5.141 Chi-sq(4) P-value = 0.2731
Basmann test 5.136 Chi-sq(4) P-value = 0.2736
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