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st: metan updated

From   RJ Harris <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: metan updated
Date   Mon, 29 Oct 2007 13:57:13 -0000

Dear Stata users

Thanks to Kit Baum, an updated version of the meta-analysis command _metan_ is now available on the SSC archive. To install within Stata, type:

ssc install metan, replace

The update contains a new option _efficacy_, which displays results in terms of vaccine efficacy. There are also some minor tweaks and one or two other options added- details below if of interest.

Best wishes,
Ross Harris

- I sq. in return list
- variable display format preserved for lcols() and rcols()
- abbreviated varlist now allowed for lcols() and rcols()
- between groups het. only available with fixed effect models (statistics not valid for random effects models)
- nulloff option to get rid of null line
- rflevel(#) specifies the coverage (eg 90,95,99 percent) for the confidence interval of the predictive distribution
- "nostandard" had disappeared from help file- back in
- warnings if any heterogeneity with fixed effect models (also for between group het if any sub group has het)
- removed the extra top line that appears in column labels
- when using aspect(), xsize and ysize used so inner bit matches graph area- i.e., get rid of spaces for long/wide graphs

Ross Harris
Department of Social Medicine
University of Bristol
+44 (0)117 928 7338
[email protected]
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