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st: Why do some observations fail to be stored when I use a loop with more than 200 observations

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Why do some observations fail to be stored when I use a loop with more than 200 observations
Date   Sun, 28 Oct 2007 14:24:04 -0300 (BRT)

Dear all,

I have found the a problem, which, not surprisingly, I have no idea why it
happens. I am using Stata 9.2 SE (Windows XP emulated in Fedora).

Concisely, I wish to run a loop, compute a statistic, and store the
results in my current dataset. In this respect, the problem relies on the
fact that some observations of the statistic of interest are not

For example, suppose I want to compute a P value from an exact test. Let�s
consider the exact p value obtained by -genwhi-, a program used in

----- Example 1 ---------------
local example 10
set obs `example'
gene a = round(uniform()*25)
gene b = round(uniform()*25)
gene c = round(uniform()*25)

qui gene p_example=.

forvalues i = 1/`example' {
     qui genhwi `=a[`i']' `=b[`i']' `=c[`i']'
     qui replace p_example = r(p_exact) in `i'
---- End Example 1 -----------

Using the example just described above, I successfully get all results
without problems. Nevertheless, if I increase the number of observations,
say, local example 1000, then several observations are not
computed/stored. For example:

a	b	c	p_example
15	7	4	.5175038
7	11	3	.
23	20	18	.
8	10	22	.
0	20	20	.0000885
17	23	1	.0132223
10	12	15	1
6	2	20
16	16	12	.0000974
4	17	16
7	2	8	.4895405

Interestingly enough, this also happens when all observations are equal,
that is:

----- Example 2 ---------------
local example 1000
set obs `example'
gene a = 25
gene b = 50
gene c = 25

qui gene p_example=.

forvalues i = 1/`example' {
     qui genhwi `=a[`i']' `=b[`i']' `=c[`i']'
     qui replace p_example = r(p_exact) in `i'
---- End Example 2 -----------

which gives:

a	b	c	p_example
25	50	25	.
25	50	25	1
25	50	25	.
25	50	25	1
25	50	25	1
25	50	25	1
25	50	25	.
25	50	25	1
25	50	25	.
25	50	25	1
25	50	25	.

I do not have Stata 10 in my home PC, but will try to investigate if the
same problem occurs in that version of Stata. If you have any tip and/or
suggestions, I will be, as usual, appreciating your time and help.



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