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st: Re: Need someone to teach short courses

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: Need someone to teach short courses
Date   Fri, 26 Oct 2007 17:51:32 EDT

I am scheduled to teach a  short course in Singapore in mid November 
(Nov19-21, but can be shorter or  longer upon discussion with company). The subject is 
open, but relates to using  Stata to do research. 

I am unable to teach the course due to physical  difficulties at this time. I 
absolutely hate dumping out of the course,  especially since many have 
already made arrangements to attend. I was looking  forward to visiting Singapore, 
and teaching at the hotel at which I would be  staying. The pay or honorarium 
is very generous. Is there someone in StataLand  who would agree to teach the 


I am also scheduled to  teach a single day course in Bahrain on December 3. 
The title of the course is  something like "Biostatistical and Epidemiological 
Methods Using Stata".   The same medical problem that is prohibiting me from 
travel to Singapore is  prohibiting  me from travel to Bahrain. I would 
absolutely love to teach  these courses,  but cannot. Again, the fee for teaching the 
course is  generous. 

Of course, aside from the fee for teaching the course, the  consulting 
company hosting the courses pays for airfare, hotel, transportation,  and departure 
fees. In fact, all expenses are paid; the honorarium is on top of  that. 

I hope that someone in our Stata community will help out a firm  that is 
sponsoring courses in Stata in the Near/Middle East and SE Asia. I feel  bad that 
I cannot teach these courses as I had intended. 

If you can help  with either or both of these courses, or want additional 
information, please  contact me as soon as possible. I have waited to see if my 
physical situation  would change, but it hasn't, and is not likely to in the 
near future.  

Joseph Hilbe
EMAIL: [email protected]  or  [email protected]


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