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RE: st: (Il)Legal variable/macro names?

From   "Schaffer, Mark E" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: (Il)Legal variable/macro names?
Date   Thu, 25 Oct 2007 19:52:11 +0100

Since I'm the bitee, I'll comment:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] 
> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of n j cox
> Sent: 25 October 2007 18:11
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: st: (Il)Legal variable/macro names?
> This is mostly for StataCorp, but I'll comment.
> I think Mark has been bitten by a bug; the question is where 
> is the bug.
> 1. Is it that -tempvar- allows a name that is really illegal?
> 2. Is it whatever caused the statement that failed to 
> recognise a legal macro name? (Apparently, a parser limitation.)

I think it's either

3.  Is it that Stata's rules for what is/isn't a legal name, which should be the same for all objects - variables, scalars, matrices, macros - actually vary across objects?


4.  Is it that -tempvar- doesn't properly handle a name that is really legal?


5.  Is it that the macro substitution in -gen `u�' = mpg- fails?

My guess is (5).  Here's the same example, but this time I list all macros after the call to -tempvar-.  Note that the macro u� has been created!

. do "C:\DOCUME~1\MARKSC~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\STD0l000000.tmp"

. sysuse auto, clear
(1978 Automobile Data)

. capture program drop legalnames

. program define legalnames
  1. gen u� = mpg
  2. sum u�
  3. tempvar u1 u� u2
  4. macro dir
  5. gen `u�' = mpg
  6. sum `u�'
  7. end

. set trace on

. legalnames
  ----------------------------------------------- begin legalnames ---
  - gen u� = mpg
  - sum u�

    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
          u� |        74     21.2973    5.785503         12         41
  - tempvar u1 u� u2
  - macro dir
S_FNDATE:       13 Apr 2005 17:45
S_FN:           C:\Stata9\ado\base/a/auto.dta
_u2:            __000002
_u�:            __000001
_u1:            __000000
  - gen `u�' = mpg
  = gen  = mpg
too few variables specified
  ------------------------------------------------ end legalnames ---

end of do-file

Soooo ... looks like a macro expansion bug.


> StataCorp will decide which it is. A wild guess is that it 
> will be much easier to fix -tempvar- and
> -tempname- to disallow names like Mark's than to ensure that 
> names like his work everywhere they might be used -- on all 
> versions of Stata on all platforms in all circumstances.
> Either way, there is now a small mystery on exactly what 
> characters are really allowed within names.
> I make a distinction:
> 1. As a Stata user, I want StataCorp to do the maximum 
> possible to let me use whatever characters I need for 
> _labelling output_. Typically, I try hard to use correct 
> spelling, including accents, wherever appropriate in variable 
> labels, value labels and graph annotation (not to mention the 
> old question of mathematical symbols and Greek characters). I 
> trust that is not controversial or disagreeable. I am much 
> less fussed about characters in (permanent) variable names. 
> That may well, naturally, be much more important to people 
> using languages more accented than English.
> 2. As a Stata programmer, I am happy to accept a very limited 
> character set A-Z a-z 0-9 _ for macro names. It would be 
> interesting to hear arguments to the opposite effect in 
> addition to Mark's want.
> Nick
> [email protected]
> Schaffer, Mark E
> I've just been bitten by an odd inconsistency between what 
> constitutes a legal name for a variable and a legal name for 
> a macro.  8-bit ascii characters are apparently legal in 
> variable names, but when used in a macro name, no macro is created.
> Here's an example using the auto dataset.  The first part 
> shows that the variable name u� is legal.  The second part 
> shows that when I try to use
> -tempvar- to create a macro called "u�", nothing is created - 
> when Stata gets to the next line, macro substitution means 
> `u�' becomes ... nothing.
> . do "C:\DOCUME~1\MARKSC~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\STD0l000000.tmp"
> . sysuse auto, clear
> (1978 Automobile Data)
> .
> . capture program drop legalnames
> . program define legalnames
>    1. gen u� = mpg
>    2. sum u�
>    3. tempvar u�
>    4. gen `u�' = mpg
>    5. sum `u�'
>    6. end
> .
> . set trace on
> . legalnames
>    ----------------------------------------------- begin 
> legalnames ---
>    - gen u� = mpg
>    - sum u�
>      Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min  
>       Max
> -------------+--------------------------------------------------------
>            u� |        74     21.2973    5.785503         12  
>        41
>    - tempvar u�
>    - gen `u�' = mpg
>    = gen  = mpg
> too few variables specified
>    ------------------------------------------------- end 
> legalnames --- r(102);
> end of do-file
> r(102);
> I can't find anything about this in the manuals, but the behavior of
> -tempvar- does look bug-like - if an illegal macro name is 
> used, shouldn't -tempvar- complain?
> In programs I sometimes generate macro names based on 
> variable names, so if the naming rules are actually different 
> for variable names and macro names, this is not a good strategy.
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