Dear Statalisters,
I'm running a glm model and like to do a a likelihood ratio test. However, the likelihood ratio test is based
on a slightly different model. I have difficulty getting the likelihood ratio estimates in a table that I created
with estout. See output below
//first I ran the regression model
.xi: glm _d i.CE , fam(pois) lnoffset(E) eform
// Then I used estout to save the regression estimates, confidence intervals, and p-values in a table
.est store model1
.estout model1, cells("b (fmt(%9.2f))ci(par( ( , ) )) p(fmt(%9.4f))") eform
//Then I did a likelihood ratio test on a slightly different model:
.xi: glm _d CE , fam(pois) lnoffset(E) eform
.est store model2
.xi: glm _d if CE!=. , fam(pois) lnoffset(E) eform
.est store model3
.lrtest model2 model3
//I saved the p-value for the likelihood ratio test:
.estadd scalar p_trend = r(p)
Is there a way to append the stored value to the estout output based on model 1?
I have tried the following
.estout model1 model2, cells("b (fmt(%9.2f))ci(par( ( , ) )) p(fmt(%9.4f))") eform stats(p_trend)
but this puts the p_trend value in a seperate column, which is not suprising because it is actually part of model 2.
I have also tried to save the estimates of the first model and then append the p_trend value for the second model, but I think estout cannot just append the p_trend because it will need to store at least some of the estimates of the second model. See below:
.estout model1, cells("b (fmt(%9.2f))ci(par( ( , ) )) p(fmt(%9.4f))") eform stats(p_trend)
.estout model2, cells("b (fmt(%9.2f))ci(par( ( , ) )) p(fmt(%9.4f))") stats(p_trend) append
Hope it's clear
Raoul Reulen
Cancer Research UK Graduate Training Fellow
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