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st: Zero-inflated binomial regression
Sorry if this is a resend. I didn't see it posted on the stata digest.
I have count data and have been doing analyses using negative binomial
regression. I've been doing reading and think that the zero-inflated
binomial regression may be more appropriate given the number of zeros in
data (243 out of 626). The data is the count of academic after-school
programs in an elementary school zone. The zones could have zero because
they don't have any after-school programs (which is the majority of cases)
or zero because there are no academic programs. What I don't understand
and haven't been able to find in the readings is how to choose the variables
for inflate.
The model I'm running using nbreg is:
nbreg nacadz totregz totregzsq pblack2 phisp2 pasian2 pubschracehet pfl2
plep2 pimmig2 pimmigdum math2 lntppe2 lntppedum edu160pz old0z bronx
brooklyn queens si, vce (robust) dispersion(mean)
Fitting Poisson model:
Iteration 0: log pseudolikelihood = -1627.6197
Iteration 1: log pseudolikelihood = -1626.5176
Iteration 2: log pseudolikelihood = -1626.5165
Iteration 3: log pseudolikelihood = -1626.5165
Fitting constant-only model:
Iteration 0: log pseudolikelihood = -1363.9816
Iteration 1: log pseudolikelihood = -1346.5563
Iteration 2: log pseudolikelihood = -1346.4582
Iteration 3: log pseudolikelihood = -1346.4582
Fitting full model:
Iteration 0: log pseudolikelihood = -1302.2992
Iteration 1: log pseudolikelihood = -1292.2209
Iteration 2: log pseudolikelihood = -1290.9536
Iteration 3: log pseudolikelihood = -1290.9484
Iteration 4: log pseudolikelihood = -1290.9484
Negative binomial regression Number of obs =
Dispersion = mean Wald chi2(19) =
Log pseudolikelihood = -1290.9484 Prob > chi2 =
| Robust
nacadz | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf.
totregz | .0008722 .0003337 2.61 0.009 .0002182
totregzsq | -2.32e-07 1.20e-07 -1.94 0.053 -4.68e-07
pblack2 | .7755238 .3485507 2.22 0.026 .0923769
phisp2 | .8144126 .4552516 1.79 0.074 -.0778641
pasian2 | .3063356 .5594969 0.55 0.584 -.7902581
pubschrace~t | .3563023 .3128879 1.14 0.255 -.2569468
pfl2 | .743668 .3495116 2.13 0.033 .0586378
plep2 | -.8755225 .6955994 -1.26 0.208 -2.238872
pimmig2 | 2.311658 1.230789 1.88 0.060 -.1006446
pimmigdum | -.3017149 .2244602 -1.34 0.179 -.7416488
math2 | -.1652905 .395245 -0.42 0.676 -.9399564
lntppe2 | .2537448 .3210432 0.79 0.429 -.3754884
lntppedum | -2.117665 2.958555 -0.72 0.474 -7.916326
edu160pz | 1.828772 .4098704 4.46 0.000 1.025441
old0z | -.414051 1.360419 -0.30 0.761 -3.080423
bronx | -.6916427 .1667281 -4.15 0.000 -1.018424
brooklyn | -.5968491 .1453163 -4.11 0.000 -.8816638
queens | -.7938416 .1628973 -4.87 0.000 -1.113114
si | -.2746133 .2809568 -0.98 0.328 -.8252785
_cons | -.4891405 .5163121 -0.95 0.343 -1.501094
/lnalpha | .1586018 .1005712 -.0385142
alpha | 1.171871 .1178565 .962218
Likelihood-ratio test of alpha=0: chibar2(01) = 671.14 Prob>=chibar2 =
Thanks for your help.
Meryle Weinstein
Research Scientist
Institute for Education & Social Policy
New York University
Pless Hall
82 Washington Square East, 7th floor
New York, NY 10003
(212) 998-5817
(212) 995-4564 (fax)
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