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Re: st: Using adofiles from Stata 10 in Stata 8?

From   n j cox <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Using adofiles from Stata 10 in Stata 8?
Date   Sun, 21 Oct 2007 23:04:38 +0100

it does sound as if whoever runs the server lacks
the correct licence (otherwise presumably they
would install Stata 10). I don't want to
comment further on that.

I doubt very much whether -nlogit- for Stata 10
will run on Stata 8. If that's true, that's the
beginning and end of the matter.

At this instant, I can't see a copy of Stata 10
but you can look inside -nlogit- by using
-viewsource-. If it says -version 9- or later,
it won't run. Even if it says -version 8- or
later, it probably won't run.

In general, Stata is not a time machine
and the chance of something written specifically
for a later Stata running successfully on an earlier
Stata is small. The exceptions are (mostly) some
relatively small programs that might need
only minor changes by a competent Stata programmer
to make them run on the earlier Stata.

[email protected]

Kristin J. Kleinjans

I would like to use the nlogit command from Stata 10, which I have on my
own computer (and own a license to). However, I use registry data which I can only access through a server which has only Stata 8 (with a different nlogit version). I am able to bring in outside ado-files (such as user provided ones). Does anybody know if I could copy the ado-files from my computer and use them in Stata 8? And would this violate a license agreement?

In case you would like more information - the issue is that nlogit in
Stata 10 is RUM compatible while in Stata 8 the model is nonnormalized.

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