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st: discrete dep var in OLS and implications for goodness-of-fit

From   Lloyd Dumont <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: discrete dep var in OLS and implications for goodness-of-fit
Date   Sun, 21 Oct 2007 14:51:19 -0700 (PDT)

Hello.  I am running an OLS model on a discrete
dependent variable that takes on whole number values
between 0 and 5, inclusive.  It is actually an ordered
categorical, so an ordered logit would be more
approrpriate than OLS.  But, OLS coefficients are
easier to explain.  So, I figured I would make sure
the results are qualitatively identical, and then
present and interpret the OLS estimates.

- The R2 is not very high.  I think it is biased
downward by the fact that the dep var is not really
continuous.  Is this true, and is there a good
reference I can look at to understand this?

-Are their any other big pitfalls to my decision to
run OLS on a variable that wasn't really made for OLS?

I appreciate your help.  Thank you.  Lloyd

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