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Re: st: cycling paired t test (and signed rank sum test)

From   Diego Bellavia <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: cycling paired t test (and signed rank sum test)
Date   Sun, 21 Oct 2007 21:33:22 +0000 (GMT)

I apologize, 

The program works fine now, maybe some problems copying  ` and ' characters. 
Thank you so much (to you and Marteen) for the help and the insight in the matter. 


----- Messaggio originale -----
Da: n j cox <[email protected]>
A: [email protected]
Inviato: Domenica 21 ottobre 2007, 15:14:53
Oggetto: Re: st: cycling paired t test (and signed rank sum test)

Diego uses double quotes " " in defining his arrays.
As mentioned recently, in
" " are not cosmetic but bind tighter than spaces separate.

Thus to Stata, "a1 b1 c1" is all _one_ word, or token. Thus, first time
around the loop, Diego is trying to execute

ttest a1 b1 c1 = a2 b2 c2

which is illegal.

The semi-colons don't perform any distinctive function
here, and, unless Diego is using Stata 6 or earlier, he is
better off with -forval-. So, Diego's code could be rewritten as

local array1 a1 b1 c1
local array2 a2 b2 c2
local n : word count `array1'
forval i = 1/`n' {
    local var1 : word �i' of �array1'
    local var2 : word �i' of �array2'
    ttest `var1' = `var2'

[email protected]

Diego Bellavia

[...] I tried to implement arrays, and I ended up with something like

#delimit ;

local array1 "a1 b1 c1";
local array2 "a2 b2 c2";

local i = 1 ;

local n : word count `array1' ;

while `i' <= `n'  {;

  local var1 : word �i' of �array1';
  local var2 : word �i' of �array2';

  ttest `var1' = `var2';

local i = `i' + 1;


#delimit cr

but when i run it I get an "invalid syntax" error...I cannot understand 

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