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st: Before and After Pairwise Plots

From   C Rose <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Before and After Pairwise Plots
Date   Fri, 19 Oct 2007 11:45:43 +0100

Dear all

I'm very new to Stata, so please excuse me if this has been answered before.

I'd like to know how to produce a plot that shows how a dependent variable, measured for a number of individuals, changes after an intervention. I have managed to find an FAQ on the topic for older versions of Stata, which explains the situation quite clearly (please see, as does the referenced paper. I'm using Stata/IC v10.

It seems the "twoway pcspike" command is appropriate, but I have two questions about this:

1. This requires one to have data in the form y1 x1 y2 x2. I have two variables: the dependent variable, Y, and a categorical variable that indicates whether the corresponding entry in Y was measured pre- or post-intervention. How can I (easily!) convert my data into the y1 x1 y2 x2 form? (It would be nice if this were to generalise to the case where I have measurements on Y at more than two time points.)

2. How do I get "twoway pcspike" to place the correct categorical label on the x-axis, rather than the values I used in x1 and x2? I can edit the text manually in the graph window, but found that my text ran off the edge of the display.

Your help would be very much appreciated.

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