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Re: st: FORTRAN 77's GO TO <label> CONTINUE into Mata

From   "Joseph Coveney" <[email protected]>
To   "Statalist" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: FORTRAN 77's GO TO <label> CONTINUE into Mata
Date   Thu, 18 Oct 2007 23:13:04 -0700

William Gould wrote (excerpted):
. . .
Joseph then says,

But in an aside exploration of Mata's behavior with an analogous probe
function, it seems that when a -goto- sends control to the continuation
line as above, it behaves like a -break- and not a -continue-.
That's where I go into denial because I ran an experiment:
. . .

Well, I've obviously coded something wrong in the logic of the probe
function.  It still eludes me, but I will be looking into it further.

Regardless, Bill's experiment is certainly convincing that Mata behaves just
as it ought to, and you can now consider me a denier -- and perhaps, a
derri�re, to boot.

In any event, thanks, Bill, for setting things straight.

Joseph Coveney

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