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Re: st: Profit efficiency

From   Raulin Cadet <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Profit efficiency
Date   Wed, 17 Oct 2007 12:33:34 +0200

Dear Pavlos,

Thank you for your answer. You are right about the function. However, my question was related not to the function, but to Stata. It seems that one may use Stata to estimate profit, using the default "technical efficiency estimates", i.e whitout indicate "cost" in the command line.

Best Regards,

Raulin Lincifort CADET
Centre de Recherche en Economie et Management(CNRS UMR6211)
Université de Rennes 1
Bureau 298
7, Place Hoche - CS 86514
35065 RENNES Cedex

Tél et fax : 33 2 23 23 35 09
Port.: 33 6 89 35 02 31

Quoting "Pavlos C. Symeou" <[email protected]>:

Dear Raulin,

as far as I know, you can estimate Profit Efficiency using A Cost
Function Cobb-Douglas model. Because of the duality of the Cobb-Douglas
function estimating having Cost as your dependent variable is similar
to having Profits.

I hope this helps,


Raulin Lincifort Cadet wrote:
Hi Everybody,

I have to estimate profit efficiency. Please, would you tell me if I may use Stata as if I was estimating technical efficiency in order to get Profit Efficiency Estimates?

Best Regards,

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