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Re: st: re: returning Stata results to Mata

From   "Thomas Jacobs" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: re: returning Stata results to Mata
Date   Tue, 16 Oct 2007 21:23:55 -0500

Thanks Kit, for all of your help.  I now have several more elegant
implementations to make in the program when I combine this with
optimize.  I finally got my klugey load data into stata, st_data
everything into mata, perform my calculations in mata and make a giant
matrix in mata, write this to a file, clear stata and insheet the big
file into stata to work but the process is somewhat offensive.  The
speed of mata is really impressive, though.  Thanks again.



On 10/16/07, Kit Baum <[email protected]> wrote:
> Thomas says
> I am trying to decipher the manuals for mata to do something that I
> imagine is pretty simple, returning my results from mata to (ideally)
> matching observations for my starting data in Stata.  I basically use
> the st_data command to move my stata based observations into a mata
> matrix as follows:
> I = st_data(., "var 1", "var2", etc.)
> I now have a mata based matrix, I, that has all of my data including
> identification data such as company number and trading day.
> I next use the information variables to produce some new values and
> let us assume I create a new matrix in mata called results that has
> the following form
> Results = (Company Number, Trade Day, Result 1, Result 2, etc.)
> where the rows are different observations.
> Back in Stata I have variables such as
> Company Number, Trade Day, Input Data1, Input Data 2, etc.
> My goal is to append the mata based information into new stata
> variables with matching observations that would appear as follows:
> Company Number, Trade Day, Input Data 1, ...Input Data n, Result 1,
> ...Result n, etc.
> I have struggled in vain to decipher the mata manual for commands such
> as creating new stata variables from mata (st_addvar), adding
> observations (st_addobs), and modifying or moving values (st_store)
> but have had zero luck in getting anything to work.  At this point I
> am thinking I may simply need to write an output file from mata, close
> mata and insheet the output file into stata to append to the dataset
> there.
> Can anyone provide any thoughts or suggestions on how to proceed?
> As I have said in prior posts and in examples (such as that contained
> in App B, IMEUS) I find the easiest thing to do is to avoid all of
> this st_addvar stuff. My way around it:
> (1) Create the set of new variables _in Stata_ with missing values.
> (2) Pass their varlist to Mata, and create a view on them. If only
> certain observations of the 'other' variables (those with which you
> have created st_data from) are usable in the computations, and you
> have flagged that with touse, use the same touse to create the view
> (essential to get them to line up).
> (3) Fill in the view, call it Z, with
> Z[.,.] = result of computations
> and your Stata variables are updated. It is _essential_ that you say Z
> [.,.] = and not Z =. The version 10 manual more prominently mentions
> this issue.
> Much easier than creating variables, naming them, etc. with the Mata
> functions IMHO.
> For an example. ssc desc hprescott  and viewsource hprescott.ado.
> Kit
> Kit Baum, Boston College Economics and DIW Berlin
> An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:
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Thomas Jacobs
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