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st: Problems installing xStata 10 on AIX

From   <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Problems installing xStata 10 on AIX
Date   Tue, 16 Oct 2007 10:54:43 +0200

Greetings to all.

I would like to get in touch with any AIX installer/user who succeded in
getting Stata 10 running on his system.
We are experiencing several problems with the new GTK-library-based
graphical version, mainly related to the setup of the new graphical
libraries subsystem onto a complex departmental system, with more than
one hundred of users running several different applications.

I cannot install the 64bits GTK libraries provided on the Stata
Web-site, because they interfere with the pre-existing libraries
(32bits), needed by other applications.

The rpm's provided on the Stata Web-site cannot install the libraries in
a different directory of our choice, so we cannot avoid the above
mentioned conflicts in this way.

We were not able to recompile GTK libraries from the source code
provided on the BULL Open Source website, for several reasons that would
be too long to list here.

The questions are :
a) Have someone successfully installed xstata 10 on AIX (and got it run
fine) ?
b) What was the procedure and was it a smooth process ?
c) What was the effort required ?
d) Was this effort payed back by the new graphical features ?

I think that merging experiences from the users's world with the kind
suggestions coming from the StataCorp Technical support ( working on
systems I guess are simpler than ours because - perhaps - dedicated only
to Stata developing ) might be very useful to us.

Thanks a lot.

Giancarlo Marra

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