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Re: st: Creating a variable with the highest value from two other

From   "Joseph Coveney" <[email protected]>
To   "Statalist" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Creating a variable with the highest value from two other
Date   Sat, 13 Oct 2007 17:23:35 -0700

Christer Thrane wrote:

I can't get it to work. Can you se what is wrong in the


. assert !missing(X) & !missing(Y)
108 contradictions in 467 observations
assertion is false

. generate byte Zstar = cond((X >= Y), X, Y)
(108 missing values generated)



Nothing is wrong with the -assert-.  I put it there in order to abort the
do-file should there be missing values.

But you have missing values.  The first item of business is to decide how
you want to handle observations with missing values.  You can set Z to
missing, set it to the nonmissing value of X and Y (like a COALESCE
statement in SQL), or do something else of your choosing.

To set Z to missing, use the code as suggested:

generate long Z = cond((X>=Y), X, Y) // Be sure the data type is adequate

Otherwise, use nested -cond()- as suggested:

generate long cond(missing(X), cond(missing(Y), ///
 ., Y), cond((X>=Y), X, Y))

Joseph Coveney

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