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st: dummy for multiple intervals

From   "Daniele Gori" <[email protected]>
To   "statalist" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: dummy for multiple intervals
Date   Fri, 12 Oct 2007 18:59:13 +0200

Dear all,

sorry for this new question. I have a large (incomplete) panel database of firm level variables (5 variables) over ten years (y1-y10). I need to create a dummy variable, embodying
a combination of changes in the value of two variables. In particular, I would have a value of "1" iff the firm has increased the value of "var1" at the end of the year (than at the beginning) more than 5% and, during the same gap, has
decreased the value of "var 2", more than 10%.
Could somebody help me writing a procedure to implementing this calculation?

Many thanks in advance,


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