This is still, to me, unclear about whether
your date variables are string or numeric
and about where 0.1 comes from in the last
Nevertheless Arun in two posts has provided
useful tips.
Another thing you may be seeking is -egen,
total()- (-egen, sum()- in old Statas).
[email protected]
> Arun Rajamohan
> Thanks for your reply.
> The database is in STATA format and I had better to
> should manage everything there. Total number of
> records is so high that I would prefer to work with
> STATA and not to enter them in Excel.
> ID DateCame DateWent DateWent-DateCame
> TotalStayEachVisit
> SD101 05-Nov-05 05-Nov-05 0.5 _
> SD101 05-Nov-05 11-Nov-05 6 6.5
> SD101 28-Apr-05 28-Apr-05 0.5 0.5
> SD105 03-Jul-06 03-Jul-06 0.5 0.5
> SD105 29-Mar-06 29-Mar-06 0.5 0.1
> SD105 13-Jan-06 14-Jan-06 1 _
> SD105 10-Jan-06 13-Jan-06 3 4
> SD105 24-May-04 25-May-04 1 1
> SD217 22-Sep-05 22-Sep-05 0.5 0.5
> What I need is calculation of TotalStayEachVisit
> which depends on 1) ID and 2) number of visits. As can
> be seen in sample some visitors came only to one
> department and some to more than one. I need syntaxes
> in STATA.
> There is no problem with formatting for dates.
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