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st: Sorting string variable based on a numeric variable

From   <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Sorting string variable based on a numeric variable
Date   Wed, 10 Oct 2007 19:40:13 +0100

Hi all,
I have another problem arranging my dataset. I'm focusing now on two variables of my dataset. "Cars" is a string variable under which I have different car models. The second variable is "Price". I have different prices for the same car model. What I need to do is to sort ascendingly the prices of each car model, because I only want to keep the lowest price of each car model. I tried to use the commands -sort- and -by-, but I didn't succeed. 
Suppose my dataset is 
CAR                                PRICE
Renault Clio                      10000
Renault Clio                      11000
Renault Clio                      10500
Audi A4                            30000
Audi A4                            27000 
Audi A4                            28000
First I want to arrange the dat in this way
CAR                                PRICE
Renault Clio                      10000
Renault Clio                      10500
Renault Clio                      11000
Audi A4                            27000
Audi A4                            28000 
Audi A4                            30000
and then I only want to keep the first observation of each category
CAR                                PRICE
Renault Clio                      10000
Audi A4                            27000
Could you help me on that?
Thanks again!

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