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st: Combine two variables in a dataset

From   <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Combine two variables in a dataset
Date   Wed, 10 Oct 2007 18:26:50 +0100

Hi all
I'm trying to find the command two combine two variables in a dataset, but I couldn't find what I need. I check the -stack- and -stak- commands, but they don't perform the type of variable combination I need. 
I have two variables "division" and "model"
DIVISION                  MODEL
Acura                              TL
Acura                              TL
Acura                              NSX-T
Acura                              NSX-T
Acura                              RL
Acura                              CL
Acura                              CL
and I want to create one variable out of these two, say "car"
Acura TL
Acura  TL
Acura  NSX-T
Acura  NSX-T
Acura  RL
Acura  CL
Acura  CL
I need to do that because I have another dataset with the variable "car" and I want to merge these two datasets.


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