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st: calculating previous transactions for the same issuer

From   "Gao Liu" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: calculating previous transactions for the same issuer
Date   Tue, 9 Oct 2007 14:40:03 -0400

Dear Statalists:

I have a question that may be simple for many people here, but I just
don't know how to code it. I'll really appreciate if anybody can help
me out.

I have a dataset that contains three variables: transaction_ID,
bond_issuer_name and sale_date. Each issuer may have multiple
transactions in the dataset. I want to creat a new variable indicating
that for each transaction, how many previous transactions the same
bond issuer have in the past two years (two years before the sale day
of the transaction).

Thank you. Any input would be appreciated.


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