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st: Automating wrapping of text in graphs?

From   Venable <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Automating wrapping of text in graphs?
Date   Fri, 5 Oct 2007 12:39:54 -0400

Hi all,

Is it possible to automate the wrapping of text in Stata graphics? I
am familiar with the trick of breaking blocks of text up manually
using separate double-quotes, e.g.
note("Comment #1" "Comment #2", span)
will put Comment 1 on the first line and comment 2 on a second line.

However, I often include macros in my notes, e.g.
note("Notes: Sample: `sample_note'; Years: `sample_years_note';
Regression weighted by `weights_note'", span)
so the length of individual lines will vary, which can lead to poor
results from the above manual technique.

(Along the same lines, is it possible to justify text at the left and
right margins?)

Any suggestions?

I apologize if this is obvious or has been covered before -- I
searched "wrap", "wrapping text" and similar things and did not find a

Thanks in advance.
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