Thanks for the pointers, Mike. An alternative editor sounds like a good idea.
On 10/3/07, Michael Hanson <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Oct 2, 2007, at 11:55 PM, Timothy Dang wrote:
> > I'm using Stata/IC 10.0 on a Mac, just in case that matters.
> [snip]
> > I'm flummoxed. Anyone know what I'm foolishly overlooking?
> On Oct 3, 2007, at 7:55 AM, Nick Cox replied:
> > In your example you had a typo that you found. It's my bet,
> > although it's not obvious from
> > your example, that in your real code there is at least one other typo.
> [snip]
> > In well-developed text editors, you will have a command that lets
> > you search for the identifier under the cursor, or that in
> > equivalent terminology. So, this kind of error is easier to spot in
> > a good editor.
> On Oct 3, 2007, at 8:20 AM, Timothy Dang rejoined:
> > I have had similar problems in the past in other software when
> > invisible characters or invisible differences between characters
> > caused things which looked identical to me to be different for the
> > software. That doesn't seem like a good explanation here because
> > (1) it seems an unlikely feature of the Stata do-editor, and (2)
> > search & replace also thought things were identical.
> I agree with Nick: either a typo or a stray "invisible" character
> is the most likely culprit here.
> Since you are using Mac OS X, there are a number of external text
> editors that frankly should be preferred to using the do-file editor
> built into Stata, as it is relatively under-powered and feature-
> starved. A reasonable place to start would be the free editor
> TextWrangler from <
> index.shtml>, and add to that the \ Stata Language Module from
> <
> textwrangler/>, which will assist with identifying coding errors.
> Additionally, you likely will find the integration of TextWrangler
> with Stata improved by the following Stata Scripts: <http://
> Additional information about using external editors with Stata --
> which I highly recommend and which is often suggested on Statalist --
> can be found at <
> textEditors.html>. Hope this helps.
> -- Mike
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Timothy O'Neill Dang / Cretog8
One monkey don't stop no show.
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