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Re: st: from stata to SAS

From   juzhi wang <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: from stata to SAS
Date   Sat, 29 Sep 2007 07:22:39 -0700 (PDT)

I have listened to Rodrigo's advice. And I did export my stata file into excel. But one of the data file has too many variables and I am not allowed to do completely transfer ( I guess the number of variables has exceeded the Excel limit). Only about half of the varialbes have been transfered. Could anybody give me further advice?


----- Original Message ----
From: Rodrigo Martell <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 2:01:01 AM
Subject: RE: st: from stata to SAS

Hi Juzhi,

A free alternative to Michael's suggestion (I think you have to pay for StatTransfer):

I don't know anything about SAS but I assume it can read in csvs (?).

If so then an easy way would be to open the Stata file you're interested in and type this (I'll send it to your C drive):

outsheet using "C:\Stata_to_Sas.csv", comma replace

The above will spit out a csv file which Excel can read, but if SAS reads csvs you could just skip the Excel bit and go straight to SAS.
How many Stata files do you need to translate? 
If you need to do more than would be feasible for manual typing of the above suggestion you could create a do file
(in Stata, click on the toolbar icon with a little hand and a pencil over a piece of paper), copy and paste the below code and run it by clicking either of the buttons with the downward pointing arrows. 
In the code below I assumed you have 2 files (stata1.dta and stata2.dta) you want to spit out as csvs. The path where these files live I assumed to be "C:/", you can change the path (leave in the quotation marks and make sure the last slash before `name' is a forward slash, the rest can be either back or forward, Stata understands both e.g C:/MyFolder/MySecondFolder/ = C:\MyFolder\MySecondFolder/).

------Copy from line below
capture program drop stata_sas
program define stata_sas
syntax namelist
foreach name of local namelist{
    use "C:/`name'.dta", clear
    outsheet using "C:/`name'.csv", comma replace

stata_sas stata1 stata2
----end copy at above line

If you want to add more Stata files just add the names of the files to the last line of the code.

I hope this is of some help.



Rodrigo Martell

Frontier Economics Pty. Ltd.
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-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Friday, 12 January 2007 4:41 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: from stata to SAS

A software called Stat-transfer can do this without any SAS -or Stata- code.

At 08:25 PM 1/11/2007, you wrote:
>Hello Everybody:
>I am a SAS user. I do not know anything about Stata. But I need to import 
>Stata data sets to SAS. What I need to do is to export the Stata into 
>Excel and from Excel to SAS. Could anybody in the list provide a block of 
>code to help me export the Stata dataset to Excel?
>Thanking you very much in advance,
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Best wishes,


Michael McCulloch
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