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st: re: how to append one graph to another

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: re: how to append one graph to another
Date   Fri, 28 Sep 2007 17:43:15 -0400

Sebastian said

I guess you could -graph export- all graphs to an adequate format
(e.g. png or tif) all into the same directory. Then you could write a
"little" MS Word Visual Basic for Applications module which imports
one file after the other from a given directory into you current Word
document. Unfortunately, I am not that fit in writing Word vba
modules so I cannot provide you with a little piece of code.

Having written the lines above, I just tried to paste multiple image
files (all tif) into a document using the "Paste->Image->from file"
functionality of MS Word. It worked for 10 images at a time. So you
could -graph export- you Stata graphs all into one directory and then
try to import multiple files into you Word document.


2007/9/28, [email protected] <[email protected]>:
> I want to put 40 graphs, one below the other, into a Word document. I can do this by drawing a
> graph, then selecting, copying and pasting it into Word, and then repeating this 39 times. But
> there must (I hope) be a quicker way of doing this. Suggestions please!

You might be able to use -graph combine- to juxtapose a number of graphs into one, making the number of items to be exported smaller. Of course, if you don't want to fool around with VBA and the like, you could just use LaTeX, in which including graphs can be easily scripted and readily automated... No "copy and paste" needed. Using Stata's .eps export format, you can also avoid the oft-discussed problems with the loss of graphical information in MS Word renditions of the graphics.

Kit Baum, Boston College Economics and DIW Berlin
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:

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