Thanks to Kit Baum, an update to the -estout- package is
available from the SSC archive. -estout- provides tools to
produce regression tables.
To install the update, type
. ssc install estout, replace
or use the -adoupdate- command.
Main changes:
o -esttab- has a new -onecell- option to combine point
estimates and t-statistics (or standard errors, etc.)
in a single table cell. This option is especially useful
in RTF (Word) or HTML mode (a line break is inserted
between the combined statistics in these modes).
o -estout- can now handle e()-matrices with multiple rows.
This is useful, e.g., if you want to tabulate bias
corrected bootstrap confidence intervals, which are
returned in a two row matrix called e(ci_bc). The syntax
to address a specific row is name_#, where # is the row
number. For example, type -cells(ci_bc_1 ci_bc_2)- to
tabulate the BC bootstrap intervals. This functionality
is only active if no e(name_#) matrix exists in the
estimation set.
o -estout- now has a -labcol2()- option to add a second
column containing labels in the left stub of the table.
This is useful, for example, to insert a column containing
information on the hypothesized directions of the effetcs.
o -estout- now has a -topfile()- and a -bottomfile()- option
to add text from files on disk to the top and bottom of
the table.
o The "." character can now be used in -estout-'s -cells()-
option to insert "null" elements (empty cells).
o The "&" character can now be used in -estout-'s -cells()-
option to combine elements in a single cell. There is a new
-incelldelimiter()- option to specify the string to be
printed between the combined elements.
o Display formats in -estout- and -esttab-: "%g" or "g" can
now be used in place of "%9.0g", "a" can be used in place
of "a3"
o -estadd- now has more flexible syntax with respect to
adding matrices and scalars:
-estadd r(name)- now adds in e(name) the contents of
r(name) to the estimation set, where r(name) may be a
scalar or a matrix.
-estadd matrix name = ...- now accepts matrix expressions.
-estadd matrix matname- now adds a copy of matrix 'matname'
in e(matname); -estadd matrix r(matname)- adds a copy of
matrix r(matname) in e(matname)
-estadd scalar scalarname- now adds the value of scalar
'scalarname' in e(scalarname); -estadd scalar r(scalarname)-
adds the value of r(scalarname) in e(scalarname)
Significant changes have been made to the core of estout.ado.
Although I did quite a bit of testing, I hope did not break anything.
I'd be happy if you let me know if you encounter any odd behavior.
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