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st: RE: Does my statistic for "net proportion of subjects with improved prediction" already exist?

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Does my statistic for "net proportion of subjects with improved prediction" already exist?
Date   Fri, 28 Sep 2007 17:16:37 +0100

I wouldn't worry about reinventing the wheel. The wheel
was a very good idea. My own discipline, whatever it is, 
is plagued with papers that propose square or other 
non-circular wheels and then bask in the supposed 
originality or creativity of the proposals. 

I can't comment on whatever is your field. But 
any measure that is a difference of probabilities
(proportions), as yours is, has clear anchor points 
at +1, 0 and -1 and is attractive on that and other

Other examples include some flavours of 
rank correlations and related measures (including 
the always popular Somers' d) and, on a more pedestrian 
level, those discussed at

On a different level, it is neither necessary nor 
efficient to create a new variable just to hold 
a total, as in 

. egen number_up_outcome=total(p_new>p_old & outcome)
. egen number_down_outcome=total(p_new<p_old & outcome)
. egen number_up_no_outcome=total(p_new>p_old & !outcome)
. egen number_down_no_outcome=total(p_new<p_old & !outcome)

Using -count- consistently will save you from a bundle 
of such variables, all holding constants. For bullet-proof
code, you would need to trap missings (which count 
as arbitrarily large) and ensure that the two estimation 
samples here were identical. Note that missing values
of -outcome- would count as true. 

logistic outcome zlog zero 
gen byte used = e(sample) 
predict p_old

logistic outcome zlog zero new_marker 
// script will fail if two samples differ 
assert used == e(sample) 
predict p_new

count if used 
local N = r(N) 

count if p_new > p_old & used & outcome == 1 
local a = r(N) 
count if p_new < p_old & used & outcome == 1 
local b = r(N) 

[email protected] 

Daniel Waxman
> I am studying the effect of adding a biomarker to an existing 
> model and want
> to describe the effect of that model vis-�-vis the number of 
> subjects with
> improved predictions in the "new model" vs. the "old model".  
> While there is
> an extensive literature on this topic, most of it divides the 
> outcome into
> risk categories (i.e. predicted risk of 0-5%, 5-10%, etc.), 
> something that I
> am not so interested in doing.
> An intuitive way to look at this would be to look at the net number of
> subjects who are assigned a higher predicted probability with 
> the new model
> among those with the outcome in question, plus the net number 
> assigned a
> lower probability among those who did not have the outcome.  
> The ratio of
> this number to the total # of subjects would then be the proportion of
> patients with improved predictions (and would range from zero 
> to 1).  See
> example below.
> My question:  Did I just reinvent the wheel?  (e.g. is this 
> equivalent to
> some existing statistic?)  Does anybody see any logical 
> problem with looking
> at this as one measure of the effect of adding a predictor to 
> an existing
> model?
> Thanks,
> Daniel Waxman
> **** example: (where zlog is continuous, zero is dichotomous, 
> new_marker is
> the dichotomous new marker, and there is no missing data) ***
> . logistic outcome zlog zero 
> . predict p_old
> . logistic outcome zlog zero new_marker 
> . predict p_new
> . count if e(sample)
> . gen N=r(N)
> . egen number_up_outcome=total(p_new>p_old & outcome)
> . egen number_down_outcome=total(p_new<p_old & outcome)
> . egen number_up_no_outcome=total(p_new>p_old & !outcome)
> . egen number_down_no_outcome=total(p_new<p_old & !outcome)
> . gen net_proportion_improved=
> ((number_up_outcome-number_down_outcome)+(number_down_no_outco
> me-number_up_n
> o_outcome))/N 

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