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Re: st: ODBC driver for Excel, <xmluse>

From   DHF <>
Subject   Re: st: ODBC driver for Excel, <xmluse>
Date   Thu, 27 Sep 2007 14:22:11 -0700

Thanks for replying. What you describe is what I did, and <odbc list> gives me a blank list. But now I am wondering: the Excel file I am linking the driver to has a ".xls" extension. Should it be something else? (Also, I've done the whole CSV thing, but it's not a realistic possibility for the number of worksheets and workbooks I have and having to update the data every quarter.)
On Thursday, September 27, 2007, at 01:40PM, "Arun Rajamohan" <> wrote:
>Here is what I have done,
>In Mac OS X 10.4...
>go to /applications/utilities/odbc administrator
>add a new user dsn and use the driver actual access (must have actual  
>technologies odbc driver installed - trial will copy only the first 3  
>rows of the dataset)
>name it excel (you can use whatever name I guess) and point it to the  
>excel database file in the ODBC access popup window.
>Now ODBC list in Stata 10 (it might work with stata 9 as well). You  
>will see excel (or the name you gave to the DSN) listed in it.
>In stata,
>odbc load, dialog(complete) dsn("excel") table("database name") or in  
>stata menu -
>File - Import ODBC data source - select the data source from the list
>You should see the file and variable list.
>Yet I think copying the the data from xls file straight into the  
>Stata data editor is the best tactic (but of course it depends on  
>your data type).
>Hope it helps,
>On Sep 27, 2007, at 3:01 PM, DHF wrote:
>> Dear Statalisters,
>> Does anyone know where I can get an ODBC driver for Excel? I  
>> downloaded a trial from here < 
>> products.php> for Access, and it seems to suggest that this should  
>> work for Excel as well, but I'm not sure. In any case, after  
>> downloading the package and adding a DSN linked to the Access  
>> driver and a specific .xls file, when I type <odbc list> in Stata,  
>> the list is empty. I am running Mac OS X and Stata 9.2. Also, I am  
>> having a problem with xmluse (another approach I am trying in order  
>> to read Excel worksheets into Stata) in that it keeps crashing  
>> Stata. Has anyone every encountered this?
>> Thanks,
>> Danielle
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>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Arun Rajamohan PhD
>> Department of Biology
>> Room 237, Biological & Geological Sciences Building
>> 1151 Richmond Street North
>> The University of Western Ontario
>> London, ON N6A 5B7 CANADA
>> Tel: + 1-519-661-2111 ext 80582
>> Fax: + 1-519-661-3935
>> Other contact numbers:
>> Home: 5192047680 / Cell: 5198511553
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