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st: Re: Chart of Named Colors
the user-written command - palette_all - also shows Stata colors, on a grey
or optionally black background. It doesn't show the gs* colors, though.
findit palette_all
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steichen, Thomas J." <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 5:55 PM
Subject: st: Chart of Named Colors
I wanted a chart showing the named colors in Stata (because I can
never remember the exact names and I certainly can't recall the
differences in hue, etc. between related colors) so I wrote
some graph code into a -do- file to generate it. While the code
is nothing fancy, you may find it useful, so I show it below.
Paste the code into a do file and execute it and you'll get a chart.
(The code does not use nor modify any session data, so you can run
it at any time.)
The usual caution concerning line wraps applies, though I think
all of these are short enough.
Tom Steichen
*----- begin
colors.do ----------------------------------------------------------
* Set Color Sequence
* Note: this code expects 75 entries in local -colors-
* - "none" is a placeholder; my Stata has 72 colors, so I use 3
* - you may rearrange the colors and placeholders to suit your preference
* To see the graph code, change the -run- to -do- in the last line
local colors "gs0 gs1 gs2 gs3 gs4 gs5 gs6 gs7 gs8 gs9 gs10"
local colors "`colors' gs11 gs12 gs13 gs14 gs15 gs16 dimgray gray black"
local colors "`colors' dknavy navy8 navy edkblue emidblue eltblue ebblue"
local colors "`colors' midblue blue lavender cyan ltblue edkbg ebg
local colors "`colors' ltbluishgray8 bluishgray ltbluishgray none none"
local colors "`colors' olive_teal eltgreen teal emerald forest_green
local colors "`colors' green midgreen lime mint sunflowerlime sandb
local colors "`colors' gold dkorange orange orange_red red cranberry pink"
local colors "`colors' magenta purple maroon erose none brown olive
local colors "`colors' sienna sand khaki stone ltkhaki eggshell white"
* generate the graph code
tempname fh
tempfile fn
file open `fh' using `fn'.do, write
local k 0
forvalues y = 1/15 {
local y0 = `y' - 1
forvalues x = 1/5 {
local x0 = `x' - 1
local k = `k' + 1
local c : word `k' of `colors'
if `k' == 1 file write `fh' "graph tw ///" _n
file write `fh' `"|| scatteri `y' `x0' `y' `x', "'
file write `fh' `"base(`y0') fc(`c') lc(black) recast(area) ///"' _n
file write `fh' `"|| scatteri `y' `x0' (5) "`c'", "'
file write `fh' `"msym(i) mlabc(black) ///"' _n
if `k' == 75 {
file write `fh' "legend(off) xsca(off) ysca(off) xsiz(7.9)
ysiz(10.6)" _n
file close `fh'
run `fn'.do
*----- end
colors.do ----------------------------------------------------------
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* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/