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st: ckvar package for data validation

From   Bill Rising <[email protected]>
To   Stata Listserv <[email protected]>
Subject   st: ckvar package for data validation
Date   Mon, 24 Sep 2007 14:01:14 -0500

Hello Statalisters,

Thanks to Kit Baum, the -ckvar- package is now available from SSC.

The -ckvar- package is a package of Stata utilities which allow data validation or scoring rules to be attached to the variables in a dataset, making the dataset self-contained and self-validating, even across -merge-s or -append-s. Validation rules can be entered and edited via a dialog box, so even people who are not Stata-aware can add simple validation rules. For Stata aficionados, do-files can be attached to variables, allowing very complicated rules. Validation rules can be printed out in fashion similar to -codebook-, and the commands for attaching the validation rules can be dumped into a do- file for future use.


Bill Rising

P.S. For the curious: all the magic is done via characteristics, but no knowledge of characteristics is needed to use the package.
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