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st: Simple Question - Use of rndbin

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Simple Question - Use of rndbin
Date   Thu, 20 Sep 2007 18:32:29 -0300 (BRT)

Dear Statalisters,

I am writing a do file that uses -rndbin- to generate a second variable,
xb. As you all know -rndbin- runs as:

rndbin obs prob numb

However, the do file repeats that task X times and, in some cases, _n is
greater than obs. Hence, for examaple, the following error shows up:

obs must be between 32 and 582539

Indeed, in one out of X runs of the loop, the local `observations' assumes
value of 19. The problem is that _n=32 in the dataset.


rndbin 19 0.05 1

obs must be between 32 and 582539

So, I would like to know if there is a way to solve this problem... say...
run -rndbin- in a way that the variable xb is not created.

Thank you again for your time and help.


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