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Re: st: System Limit on -recode-
--- Zachary Neal <[email protected]> wrote:
> I am doing a series of recodes using several -if-
> statements. When the system gets to this line:
> if `N' == 92 recode row col (1=`a1') (2=`a2') (3=`a3')
> (4=`a4') (5=`a5') (6=`a6') (7=`a7') (8=`a8') (9=`a9)
> (10=`a10') (11=`a11') (12=`a12') (13=`a13') (14=`a14')
> (15=`a15') (16=`a16') (17=`a17') (18=`a18') (19=`a19')
> (20=`a20') (21=`a21') (22=`a22') (23=`a23') (24=`a24')
> (25=`a25') (26=`a26') (27=`a27') (28=`a28') (29=`a29')
> (30=`a30') (31=`a31') (32=`a32') (33=`a33') (34=`a34')
> (35=`a35') (36=`a36') (37=`a37') (38=`a38') (39=`a39')
> (40=`a40') (41=`a41') (42=`a42') (43=`a43') (44=`a44')
> (45=`a45') (46=`a46') (47=`a47') (48=`a48') (49=`a49')
> (50=`a50') ///
> (51=`a51') (52=`a52')
> (53=`a53') (54=`a54') (55=`a55') (56=`a56') (57=`a57')
> (58=`a58') (59=`a59') (60=`a60') (61=`a61') (62=`a62')
> (63=`a63') (64=`a64') (65=`a65') (66=`a66') (67=`a67')
> (68=`a68') (69=`a69') (70=`a70') (71=`a71') (72=`a72')
> (73=`a73') (74=`a74') (75=`a75') (76=`a76') (77=`a77')
> (78=`a78') (79=`a79') (80=`a80') (81=`a81') (82=`a82')
> (83=`a83') (84=`a84') (85=`a85') (86=`a86') (87=`a87')
> (88=`a88') (89=`a89') (90=`a90') (91=`a91') (92=`a92')
> I get the following error message:
> "system limit exceeded - see manual"
> All of the preceding "if ... recode" lines are the
> same structure, and run fine. Is there a limit on the
> number of recodes that can be performed in a single
> line?
There is a limit on the number of characters in a single command, which
may bite here. See -help limits-.
Hope this helps,
Maarten L. Buis
Department of Social Research Methodology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
visiting address:
Buitenveldertselaan 3 (Metropolitan), room Z434
+31 20 5986715
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