This sounds very much like the COPY STRUCTURE EXTENDED commands that
database programs use which creates a dataset with complete
descriptions of the fieldnames and datatypes, indexes and other
metadata. Such a dataset can then be used to specify a template for a
new, empty dataset.
Such functionality could be developed for Stata by looping through the
varlist and -postfile-ing the variable names and types, optionally
with formats, variable labels and value labels, to a dataset - about
15 minutes work.
*! version 1.0.0 2007.09.16
program define copystruct /* Copy filestructure to a dataset */
version 9.0
syntax using [, replace]
// Get variable string lengths
local varnamlen 0
local varlablen 0
local vallablen 0
local valfmtlen 0
foreach V of varlist _all {
local varnamlen = max(length("`V'"),`varnamlen')
local varlablen = max(length("`:var lab `V''"),`varlablen')
local vallablen = max(length("`:val lab `V''"),`vallablen')
local valfmtlen = max(length("`:format `V''"),`valfmtlen')
tempname ph
postfile `ph' str`varnamlen' varnam str10 vartyp str`varlablen' varlab
str`vallablen' vallab str`valfmtlen' varfmt `using' ,`replace'
foreach V of varlist _all {
local varnam = "`V'"
local vartyp = "`:type `V''"
local varlab = "`:var lab `V''"
local vallab = "`:val lab `V''"
local valfmt = "`:format `V''"
post `ph' ("`varnam'") ("`vartyp'") ("`varlab'") ("`vallab'") ("`valfmt'")
postclose `ph'
DC Elliott
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