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Re: st: Assigning labels of 1 file into another file?

From   "David Elliott" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Assigning labels of 1 file into another file?
Date   Wed, 12 Sep 2007 21:34:04 -0300

Thank you, Austin.  Labmask and your code would certainly be one way
of doing it. I had known about Nick's labutilities at one point but it
was hiding among the dust-bunnies in my memory.

My method was to create an ado that:
* -preserve-d the original file
* -use-ed the code-desc file
* used -file write- to write a temporary dofile which contained
* a label definition for each unique code-desc combination
* restored the original file
* applied the label definition dofile against the codes in the original file

The plus of this method is that it doesn't involve a merge and uses
existing commands.

DC Elliott
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