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st: re: r(198) error
Nirina said
What I basically want to do is:
1- to run the regression using the variables stored in the list of
variables LHS to be used one by one as a dependent variable and then
outreg each result in the table.
2- this another related question where:
say I have a list of RHS x1.....x12
and I want to regress y $RHS
but I would like to see use on variable in RHS increasingly ie
reg y x1
reg y x1 x2
reg y x1 x2 x3 etc.....
Thank you very much for your help
On 8/15/07, Kit Baum <[email protected]> wrote:
> Your expansion of the macro outfile_reg probably contains spaces plus
> the word 'and'. You probably need to use compound double quotes
> (q.v.) or use a directory without embedded spaces in its name on your
> machine.
> Kit Baum, Boston College Economics and DIW Berlin
> http://ideas.repec.org/e/pba1.html
> An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:
> http://www.stata-press.com/books/imeus.html
> On Aug 15, 2007, at 2:33 AM, statalist-digest wrote:
> >
> > Could anyone let me know what is wrong with the following do.
file to
> > give me an invalid 'and' r(198).
> >
> >
> > /*foreach x of varlist $LHS {;
> > local xtitle "`x' OLS" ;
> > local outfile_reg "$dataloc/Results/reg_`x'" ;
> > regress `x' $RHS, robust;
> > outreg using "`outfile_reg'", ctitle("`xtitle'") append;
> > };
> > */;
> >
> > invalid 'and'
> > r(198);
> > Thank you,
In the code insert a line after the definition of outfile
display "`outfile_reg'"
I imagine you will find the word " and " in that local. That will
cause problems.
Furthermore this could be done more easily as
eststo clear
foreach x of varlist $RHS {
eststo: reg `x' $RHS, robust
local xtitle "`xtitle `x'"
esttab using results.log, mtitles(`xtitle')
and you don't need to create all those files. Just -ssc install estout-.
For your 2d question,
forv i=1/12 {
local reg "`reg' x`i'"
reg y `reg'
The "A little bit of Stata programming goes a long way" papeer
mentioned in my recent postings would be useful.
Kit Baum, Boston College Economics and DIW Berlin
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:
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