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st: loop over files, storing r(class), create new dta file

From   "b. water" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: loop over files, storing r(class), create new dta file
Date   Thu, 06 Sep 2007 11:18:27 +0000

dear listers,

stata 8.2,

i am trying to write the following do-file:

use "C:\cltest\bipol1.dta", clear
metan rxd_impr rxd_noimp con_impr con_noimp, rr
//this will generate its own r(ES), the value of which i want to save
metan gen_impr gen_noimp gcon_impr gcon_noimpr, rr
//this will generate its own r(ES), the value of which i want to save
use "C:\cltest\bipol2.dta", clear
//this will generate its own r(ES), the value of which i want to save
metan gen_impr gen_noimp gcon_impr gcon_noimpr, rr
//this will generate its own r(ES), the value of which i want to save
use "C:\cltest\bipol38.dta", clear
metan rxd_impr rxd_noimp con_impr con_noimp, rr
//this will generate its own r(ES), the value of which i want to save
metan gen_impr gen_noimp gcon_impr gcon_noimpr, rr
//this will generate its own r(ES), the value of which i want to save

after this, what i want to accomplish is create a new datafile.dta containing 3 variables where var1 would be a list of bipol*(i.e. bipol1, bipol2, bipol3,..., bipol38), var2 would be a list of the 38 rxd_ES, & var3 would be, similarly, a list of 38 gen_(ES).

at the moment, i am accomplishing the task manually i.e. doing the metan one by one and saving the r(ES) via copy/paste onto a second stata session edit windows. i think the first bit can be accomplished using forvals or foreach loop _N or _n, but which i don't know how, much less storing the r(ES)'s and then generating a new *.dta as per what i wanted to do.

would appreciate advice/help.

thank you,

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