Partha Deb <[email protected]>:
I think you can trick -estout- into doing that, by generating
variables holding the values of your test statistics, and using its
summary stats capability. But that would be horribly inefficient
compared to just writing a tab-delimited text file using the -file-
webuse friedman2, clear
file close _all
file open t using /test.txt, write replace
file write t "Variable" _tab "dfuller"
qui dfuller m1
file write t _n "m1" _tab "`: di %6.4g r(Zt)'"
qui dfuller m2
file write t _n "m2" _tab "`: di %6.4g r(Zt)'"
qui dfuller consump
file write t _n "consump" _tab "`: di %6.4g r(Zt)'"
file close _all
type /test.txt
On 9/4/07, Partha Deb <[email protected]> wrote:
Is there a package akin to -estout- or -outreg- to make tables from test
statistics? I'm conducting a series of tests on a number of variables and
would like to tabulate the statistics. E.g., from
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