Dear Sir,
Really kind suggestions solved my problem now only
one this is remaining as to complete my analysis.
1.I can check the positive or negative duration
dependence provide p is greater than one or less than
2.But more than this I am supposed(as per requirement)
to report alpha(shape parameter)and beta(the estimated
coeffeicient of the length of the run in AFT form)
I am using the command
streg , dist(weibul)time
How about if I use the command?
streg CURUN, dist(weibul)time
How about if I convert the data in frequency form
curun f
1 20
2 8
3 7
4 4
5 1
6 0
7 1
8 0
9 0
10 0
11 0
12 0
13 1
In the frequency form How do I can estimate the
Looking for your kind reply
Given the dataset you have given me you should type:
stset CRUN,failure(end)
streg , dist(weibul)
Notice that haven't specified any variable, this is
because the
dependent variable is already specified when you
-stset- the data.
If there is negative duration dependence the parameter
p will be less
than one, you can see that the confidence interval
around p is entirely
above 1, indicating that there is no duration
dependence (if the
Weibull is appropriate for this data).
you can see the predicted hazard by typing:
stcurv, hazard
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