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st: Convert yearly to monthly data

From   "Nikolaos Kanellopoulos" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Convert yearly to monthly data
Date   Fri, 31 Aug 2007 19:55:56 +0100

Dear all,

I have a typical longitudinal data set, which gives me information about the
status of individuals for each month within a year. The data are in a long
format, thus every row represents a year. Variable pid distinguishes the
individuals and variable year shows the time dimension. Every month is
represented by a variable (v1-v12). This is a binary variable but it can
also contain missing values.

My question is how I can convert my data from yearly panel to monthly panel
based on v1-v12.

To show what I mean, let's say that my original data look like that:

pid	year	v1	v2	v3	v4	v5	v6	v7	v8
v9	v10	v11	v12	x
1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1
1	1	1	1	.1369841
1	2	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1
1	1	1	1	.6432207
1	3	1	1	1	1	0	0	0	1
1	1	1	1	.5578017
2	3	1	1	1	1	1
1	.0610638
2	4	1	1	0	0	0	0	1	1
1	1	1	1	.5552388

I want to convert them so they will look like:

pid	v	year	x
1	1	1	.1369841
1	1	1	.1369841
1	1	1	.1369841
1	1	1	.1369841
1	1	1	.1369841
1	1	1	.1369841
1	1	1	.1369841
1	1	1	.1369841
1	1	1	.1369841
1	1	1	.1369841
1	1	1	.1369841
1	1	1	.1369841
1	1	2	.6432207
1	1	2	.6432207
1	1	2	.6432207
1	1	2	.6432207
1	1	2	.6432207
1	1	2	.6432207
1	1	2	.6432207
1	1	2	.6432207
1	1	2	.6432207
1	1	2	.6432207
1	1	2	.6432207
1	1	2	.6432207
1	1	3	.5578017
1	1	3	.5578017
1	1	3	.5578017
1	1	3	.5578017
1	0	3	.5578017
1	0	3	.5578017
1	0	3	.5578017
1	1	3	.5578017
1	1	3	.5578017
1	1	3	.5578017
1	1	3	.5578017
1	1	3	.5578017
2	1	3	.0610638
2	1	3	.0610638
2	1	3	.0610638
2	1	3	.0610638
2	1	3	.0610638
2		3	.0610638
2		3	.0610638
2		3	.0610638
2		3	.0610638
2		3	.0610638
2		3	.0610638
2	1	3	.0610638
2	1	4	.5552388
2	1	4	.5552388
2	0	4	.5552388
2	0	4	.5552388
2	0	4	.5552388
2	0	4	.5552388
2	1	4	.5552388
2	1	4	.5552388
2	1	4	.5552388
2	1	4	.5552388
2	1	4	.5552388
2	1	4	.5552388

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