Wondering if anybody can help me with this. I want to merge two dataset (AA and BB) based on ID.
Dataset AA
ID Var 1 Var 2 Var 3
12 785 . 748
45 74 2 63
74 789 0 7485
Dataset BB
ID Var 1 Var 2 Var 3
12 . 45 748
94 41 78 74
74 789 0 7485
I have used the merge command but the problem with that is that the dataset BB has missing value for ID =12 (Var 1). I want to replace the non-missing value in the merged dataset with the missing value and I think the merge command do not do that. Everything else did correctly.
Any suggestion !
Rima Chakravarty
Policy Analysis and Statistics Division
NC Department of Revenue
Phone: 919.733.7738
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