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st: Elasticity after xtprobit

From   "Aparna Mathur" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Elasticity after xtprobit
Date   Thu, 30 Aug 2007 17:46:37 -0400


I need to calculate the elasticity after using xtprobit (RE probit). If
I use "mfx compute, eyex", it yields an error. So I tried "mfx compute,
predict (pu0) eyex" and it yielded some output. Is this the correct way
of computing the elasticity? Also, can I get that elasticity from the
marginal effects table by multiplying the marginal effect for each
variable by the mean of the variable and dividing by the overall
probability that y=1? In other words, is the
I've tried doing it, and while the numbers are close, they're not
exactly identical, so just wanted to be certain that that is how it
would be computed.


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